Competitive and Market Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence is a systematic and ethical means of gathering, analyzing, and managing external information that impacts your business results. In the utility industry, it means more than monitoring your competitors’ actions and performance. It includes an ongoing, systematic evaluation of power market developments, energy policy initiatives, environmental regulation, fuel price drivers, and other factors that impact your bottom line.

Why is Competitive Intelligence Critical to Your Success? Competitive intelligence enhances your competitive position by providing a better understanding of your competitors and the market in which you operate.  It provides a solid foundation for strategic planning, power market assessments, risk management, regulatory initiatives, and customer relations management.

A utility wished to assess the future wholesale and retail prices of its peers to evaluate business opportunities and changes in its future competitive position.

Clearspring provided a comprehensive evaluation of resource plans, financial drivers, rate activities, and power supply strategies across a group of peer utilities in the region. Clearspring then developed a unique resource and financial model to evaluate the impacts of new generation resources, fuel prices, financial strategies, and other key price drivers across the peer utilities. The model projected wholesale prices across utilities and changes in the client’s competitive position. Key insights and market intelligence were extracted to aid strategic planning and risk management activities.

Let Clearspring Research Advisors provide actionable market intelligence to aid your strategic planning, business development, and risk management activities.